13aprAll DayBuild your Pollinator Garden
Come to Smithgall just in time to get that garden started! Learn about different pollinators, their role in our ecosystem, and how to help them through the planting of native
Come to Smithgall just in time to get that garden started! Learn about different pollinators, their role in our ecosystem, and how to help them through the planting of native plants – and still have a gorgeous garden! There will be native plants for sale from Smithgall own pollinator gardens, so you can go home and start yours the same day! Cost is $5 per person, plus parking fee. Reservations are required. Please call the Visitor’s Center at 706-878-3087 for reservations or for more information.
April 13, 2024 All Day(GMT-05:00)
726 Bruckenstrasse
Helen, GA 30545
P.O Box 730
Helen, GA 30545
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